--- apiVersion: monitoring.coreos.com/v1 kind: PrometheusRule metadata: creationTimestamp: "2020-05-26T09:46:42Z" generation: 1 labels: name: samples-operator-alerts managedFields: - apiVersion: monitoring.coreos.com/v1 fieldsType: FieldsV1 fieldsV1: f:metadata: f:labels: .: {} f:name: {} f:spec: .: {} f:groups: {} manager: cluster-version-operator operation: Update time: "2020-05-26T09:46:42Z" name: samples-operator-alerts namespace: openshift-cluster-samples-operator resourceVersion: "13428" selfLink: /apis/monitoring.coreos.com/v1/namespaces/openshift-cluster-samples-operator/prometheusrules/samples-operator-alerts uid: f41c25a9-cbbc-474d-b530-06c49897cdad spec: groups: - name: SamplesOperator rules: - alert: SamplesDegraded annotations: message: | Samples could not be deployed and are in Degraded status. You can look at the "openshift-samples" ClusterOperator object for details. You can also query 'openshift_samples_failed_imagestream_import_info' to see if ImageStreams do not import. The samples operator reports itself Degraded if an ImageStream import continues to fail for 2 hours. expr: openshift_samples_degraded_info == 1 for: 2h labels: severity: warning - alert: SamplesInvalidConfig annotations: message: | Samples operator has been given an invalid configuration. expr: openshift_samples_invalidconfig_info == 1 for: 2h labels: severity: warning - alert: SamplesMissingSecret annotations: message: | Samples operator cannot find the samples pull secret in the openshift namespace. expr: openshift_samples_invalidsecret_info{reason="missing_secret"} == 1 for: 2h labels: severity: warning - alert: SamplesMissingTBRCredential annotations: message: | Samples operator cannot find credentials for 'registry.redhat.io' in the samples pull secret in the openshift namespace. Unless you have updated the 'samplesRegistry' field in the samples operator config to change which registry the sample ImageStreams are pulled from, you will have failed imports for many of the sample ImageStreams in this case. expr: openshift_samples_invalidsecret_info{reason="missing_tbr_credential"} == 1 for: 2h labels: severity: warning - alert: SamplesTBRInaccessibleOnBoot annotations: message: | Samples operator could not access 'regsitry.redhat.io' during its initial installation and it boostrapped as removed. expr: openshift_samples_tbr_inaccessible_info == 1 for: 2d labels: severity: info